n2o0v1t2i1n1m0d5ku Restoril Temazepam Medicine Patients should take Restoril 30 minutes before they go to bed. http://www.restoril4sale.com/ - buy generic temazepam Side effects of Restoril include but not limited to: - Blurry Vision - Dizziness - Sex Drive Changes - Anxiety - Headache In rare cases, sometimes a patient that is using Restoril might start experiencing restlessness, sweating, memory loss, fainting, vision changing, thoughts of suicide, unusual thoughts, agitation, hallucinations, mood or mental changes then they should call the doctor right away. When using Restoril patients wonГt be woken up in the night a lot if any at all. Restoril helps patients to fall asleep faster and in a deep sleep.